Have you been putting off visiting your auto shop for a needed car repair or maintenance service? You may be wondering just how often do you need to get your car serviced? Many drivers may think they’re saving money by extending the time between service intervals. Or they may put off a needed car repair because their car still seems to be running just fine. The truth is, the potential cost of car repair due to lack of maintenance is much greater than the cost of the service. Or allowing a small issue to turn into a bigger car repair problem will cost you a lot more money in the long run!
Neglecting regular maintenance could result in experiencing one or more of the problems described below:
- Decreased fuel economy
- Loss of performance power
- The air inside your vehicle loses its clean quality
- Noisy engine due to build-up of oil sludge
There are several types of engine damage that do not necessarily impact your ability to drive your car. For example, you can drive with little or no oil for a period of time, but, this can cause severe damage to the head gasket or the pistons. This type of engine repair can cost a small fortune. For just a few dollars out of your budget, keeping up with regular oil changes would have prevented the damage in the first place.
Tip to Remember: Please don’t delay for the service warning lights to come on before scheduling car service. If you follow the maintenance schedule suggested in your owner’s manual or by your car repair technician, you can drive your car down the road with confidence knowing you will arrive safely at your destination.
If you want to know more about how often do you need to get your car serviced, Call our ASE Certified technicians at Expert Car Care for more information about our car repair services and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in the community of West Allis, WI, and the surrounding area.