Cold temperatures have arrived in various parts of the country. So, you may find that your vehicle is a little noisier and more sluggish than normal. You may want to ask if you should change the type of oil you are using, or is it time for an oil change? Some drivers think that as long as their car gets them from point A to point B, they aren’t having any car issues.
What is wrong with low-quality motor oil, you ask? Low-quality oil can deposit harmful contaminants into the engine’s lubricating system. Even before there are any visible symptoms of issues, damage may have already occurred in the engine, and the engine’s performance level has been negatively impacted. The extra cost for high quality, a guarantee-backed oil change is worth it for maximum engine safety.
Why pay for high-quality oil changes?
- Older engines are more prone to wear and tear and have passed the manufacturer’s guarantee period so regular oil changes provide better lubrication for the safety and long life of the engine.
- Good-quality oil keeps contaminants separated and held in suspension. Low-quality oil can contribute to sludge build-up formed by a combination of dirt, soot partially burned fuel, oxidized motor oil leaked coolant, and condensed water vapor produced during combustion. At every oil change, these contaminants are drained out with the oil rather than left behind to create sludge.
- Stop-and-go driving, short-trips, and frequent towing create tough conditions for an engine. The oil change interval for these conditions is about half as long as for “usual” driving.
So how many miles can you go over on an oil change service? This is the most controversial question going around in the automotive industry today. However, regardless of the mileage interval recommended for your vehicle, it is just as important to keep up with them on a regular basis. This is the most cost-effective maintenance item needed to keep your vehicle operating at its highest level of performance and prevent breakdowns.
Are you wondering how many miles can you go over on an oil change? Call our ASE Certified technicians at Expert Car Care today for information about our oil change coupons and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in the community of West Allis, WI, and the surrounding area.